13 Charts from “Email Marketing Rules”
Throughout the 2nd Edition of Email Marketing Rules, I have charts to help readers with various email marketing concepts including media types, permission strength, and email interactions. All of these charts are now available in the Email Marketing Dictionary on EmailMarketingRules.com, as well as on Pinterest.
>> View the charts in the Email Marketing Dictionary
>> Check out the charts on the Email Marketing Rules pinboard on Pinterest
Fig. 1: The 5 Types of Media
Fig. 2: Envelope Content
Fig. 3: Anatomy of a Typical Email
Fig. 4: Email Marketers Have 2 Masters, 2 Sets of Success Metrics
Fig. 5: Increasing Engagement by Mailing Inactives Less Often
Fig. 6: The Subscriber Lifecycle
Fig. 7: Permission Grant Matrix
Fig. 8: Subscriber Status
Fig. 9: Traditional Model of Email Interaction
Fig. 10: Stage-Bypass Model of Email Interaction
Fig. 11: Environment Layers Compound Email Rendering Complexity
Fig. 12: The Email Pyramid
Fig. 13: Subscriber Types by Email Volume