Campaign Monitor: What I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Was Getting Started
I got serious about email marketing back in 2006 when I started the Retail Email Blog. Since then, I’ve worked for three of the largest ESPs in the world—Responsys, ExactTarget, and Salesforce—and learned a ton about email marketing.
If I could go back to 2006 and give myself one piece of email marketing advice, what would it be? Campaign Monitor asked me and 10 other email that question and here’s what I told them:
“I wish I’d understood from the beginning how inconsistent email client support for coding is and therefore how complex email rendering is. For marketers who now understand that the new challenge is to avoid creating consistency by playing down to the lowest common denominator. Instead of trying to create ‘pixel-perfect’ emails, marketers need to use progressive enhancement thoughtfully to create ‘platform-perfect’ emails that deliver the best experiences for users of key email clients.”
For all the great advice from Kath Pay, Jordie van Rijn, Justin Khoo, and the others…