#AlternativeEmailFacts and the Truth
As a former journalist and long-time researcher, I’m profoundly troubled by our national struggles with the value of science, the need for evidence, and the meaning of the word “fact.” With the US government currently imposing gag orders on research, making executive decisions without proof and then disparaging judges who demand proof,…
Join Me in Kansas City on Mar. 14: KCDMA luncheon, Litmus Live workshop, and Networking reception
I’m going to be in Kansas City, Mo., on Mar. 14 for the following events. For those of you in the area, I hope you can join me. Kansas City DMA Luncheon, Mar. 14, 11:45am-1:00pm, BRIO Tuscan Grille I’ll be speaking to members of the KCDMA about “Adapting to Consumers’ New Definition…
The Last Word on January 2017
A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports Animated GIFs in emails, message word count, and reply-to addresses: benchmark data findings (IBM THINK Marketing) Preheader Text: 6 Models and a Case Study with a 96% Lift in Revenue-per-Email (Jeanne Jennings)…