Digital Marketing in 2030: Major Changes & How to Adapt [with on-demand webinar]

Digital Marketing in 2030

Big changes are coming over the next several years that will affect how digital marketers connect with and build strong relationships with their customers and prospects. Generative AI will be a huge driver of these changes, creating both massive opportunities and massive disruptions to the status quo. We see these changes as…

How to Identify & Create More Great Customers

How to Identify & Create More Great Customers

Every B2B company wants more customers. But even more than that, you want great customers. You want customers who are loyal and spend a lot with you. It’s the old 80-20 rule, where 20% of your customers are likely generating 80% of your revenue. Ideally, you’d like to grow that 20%, because…

Leadership & Fatherhood: An Inspiring Father’s Day Tribute

Leadership & Fatherhood- An Inspiring Father's Day Tribute

As a father of three boys (12, 15, and 27), including one with special needs, fatherhood has been a defining influence on my life. So, I am thrilled to join some of the dads at Stripo in sharing how being a parent has influenced my leadership style. For me, being a dad…

Things I’ve Read about Email Marketing that Are Simply Wrong

Things I’ve Read About Email Marketing That Are Simply Wrong

The web has always been a dicey place to get email marketing advice. Too many people incorrectly think that email marketing hasn’t changed much over the years, so outdated information tends to get recirculated over and over and over. Based on the rise in factual inaccuracies I’ve been seeing in recent months,…

What Email Marketers Should Be Upset About

What Email Marketers Should Be Upset About

There’s no shortage of things in email marketing to be irritated about. The lack of email coding standards, the inconsistent email rendering, the partial support for CSS-based interactivity, the partial support of AMP for email, inconsistent implementations of dark mode, how expensive BIMI VMCs are,… Marketers have also been perpetually frustrated by…

The Last Word on May 2024

The Last Word

A roundup of digital and email marketing articles, posts, and social buzz you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports RGE’s Dark Mode Collection (Really Good Emails) Accessibility Report 2024 (Email Markup Consortium) We Test Everything: Long vs. Short Copy (Alchemy Worx) Gmail App on Android Can Soon Summarize…

Evolving Your Account-Based Marketing Program [with on-demand webinar]

Evolving Your Account-Based Marketing Program

Account-based marketing (ABM) is a marketing and sales approach that focuses on a small number of high-value accounts rather than trying to market to a huge number of potential customers across an entire industry. With this focus, brands then send these accounts highly tailored marketing content and sales outreach to close the…