8 Keys to Making Your Emails Go Viral - Email Marketing Rules

8 Keys to Making Your Emails Go Viral

Direct Marketing News“It’s the scatter shot of social versus that sniper bullet of the forward.” That’s how I described the difference between the reach-maximizing social share and the conversion-maximizing email forward in an interview with Elyse Dupré of Direct Marketing News about the findings of our Viral Email report.

We spoke at length about the report, which analyzed 400,000+ emails to uncover the secrets of email virality, and today Elyse shared her eight key takeaways for how to make your emails go viral:

  1. Start by taking a look at your email editorial calendar.
  2. Concentrate on subscribers’ hierarchy of needs.
  3. Know what kind of virality you’re hoping to achieve.
  4. Make it clear that you’re doing something special.
  5. Include a SWYN call-to-action button.
  6. Narrow down your audience.
  7. Keep your content simple.
  8. Know what types of email are most virality-prone.

>> Read the full article on DMNews.com

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