AI Opportunities Throughout the Email Production Process

AI Opportunities Throughout the Email Production Process

Brands have been using artificial intelligence tools in their email programs for many, many years. However, the rise of generative AI is causing a reevaluation of the opportunities to use classic AI, machine learning, and generative AI throughout the eight stages of the email production process:

  1. Conception: Identifying the need for a campaign and defining its goal, target audience, and more
  2. Copywriting: Writing the messaging
  3. Design: Crafting the visual design of the campaign
  4. Development: Coding the email experience, including any interactivity
  5. Audience Selection: Choosing the subscribers to receive a campaign or defining the trigger for an automated campaign
  6. Approval: Signing off that the campaign that was created matches its initial intent and goal
  7. Send: Launching and monitoring the campaign
  8. Analysis: Examining the results of the campaign, including any A/B testing

In this post and the 51-minute companion on-demand webinar, we discuss dozens of potential opportunities for marketers to use AI during each of those email production stages.

>> Read the entire post on Oracle’s Modern Marketing Blog 

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