Alchemy Worx: 2021 Consumer Survey on Shopping Sentiment & Email Behavior

Alchemy Worx’ latest consumer survey delivers timely insights about consumer purchasing intent this holiday season and the factors that are impacting those purchasing decisions. Those factors include the email and web experiences created by brands, as well as issues like sustainability and inclusivity.
In addition to lots of great data, the report includes insights drawn from the findings from Dela Quist, Ada Barlatt, Komal Helyer, Andrew Kordek, and me. For example, I discuss how the survey results show that consumers have a clear expectation for the personalization of both email content and frequency. I also talk about the sea changes that are occurring with consumer values, as well as the gulf in those values between younger and older people.
For a full discussion of all the findings of the survey…
>> Download the 2021 Alchemy Worx Consumer Survey
>> Read about the findings I found most interesting