Content Planning: Advice from Oracle’s Global Digital Marketing Agency

If it’s not in the plan, then it typically doesn’t happen. And if it does happen, then corners have been cut and sacrifices made. That’s a harsh reality, especially with today’s lean digital marketing teams. That’s why, when working with our Oracle Marketing Consulting clients, we take an expansive view of content planning.
How expansive? When doing content planning, we think you should be able to answer the following 6 questions:
- What are all of my sources of potential content?
- What are the narratives I’m trying to tell?
- Which campaigns involve complex content?
- What tests am I going to run?
- What changes should I make to my automated campaigns?
- How do I prepare for peak season campaigns?
Nick Cantu, Kelly Moran, Ana Jablonski, and I help you answer all of those questions in this blog post and companion on-demand webinar.
>> Read the post on Oracle’s Modern Marketing Blog
>> Watch the companion on-demand webinar