Don’t Write Off AMP for Email Yet

When it was officially launched in 2019 by Google, AMP for Email promised to bring standards-based interactivity and real-time content to inboxes, allowing brands to bring landing page and app-like functionality into their emails. Allowing product carousels, live forms, and checkout functionality, the potential payoffs for marketers and consumers were huge. However, reaping those benefits require big changes in the email marketing ecosystem.
Google aggressively promoted AMP for Email, looking to expand support to other mailbox providers like Yahoo and to convince email service providers (ESPs) to make the platform changes necessary for marketers to send AMP-powered emails, since they’re sent as a separate MIME part. At the same time, they worked to convince marketers that it was worth their time to learn how to code AMP emails and create them.
And then the winds shifted…
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