Email Privacy ‘Regulation’ in the Age of Big Tech

Imagine if CASL was passed without first having a public comment period so businesses and other organizations could have their voices heard? Imagine if GDPR went into effect 3 months after it was passed instead of after a 2-year transition period? Imagine if CCPA applied to people all over the world and not just people in California?
All of that isn’t far off from what the email industry just experienced with the rollout of Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection (MPP), as SparkPost’s April Mullen and I explain in this guest post for the ANA. We also share a vision for how email marketers can work with Big Tech companies like Apple, Google, and Microsoft—which now wield just as much power as public entities when it comes to changing privacy rules and other fundamental aspects of the email channel.
>> Read the full post on the ANA Marketing Maestros Blog