Email Marketing Developments in 2024 & Their Ripple Effects in 2025

While there will undoubtedly be new out-of-the-blue developments that shake the email marketing industry in 2025, marketers already have to contend with a slew of developments that took root in 2024 and will become more of a force in the year ahead. Let’s look at what some of those developments are. >>…
BIMI Email Standard Gets Big Boost by Becoming Less of a Standard

New moves by Google and Apple have given the Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) standard a huge boost. However, those same moves have fractured the email standard by creating multiple paths to various levels of compliance at various inbox providers. Before getting into those new developments, let’s review the core benefits…
Promotions Tab Hysteria Is Back! (Thanks, Apple)

More than a decade after Gmail pioneered tabbed inbox interfaces, and many years after other major inbox providers add tabs to their inboxes, Apple Mail has followed suit with its iOS 18 release. But despite the laggard non-novelty of this change, Apple Mail’s hefty market share has the email marketing industry working…
Things I’ve Read about Email Marketing that Are Simply Wrong

The web has always been a dicey place to get email marketing advice. Too many people incorrectly think that email marketing hasn’t changed much over the years, so outdated information tends to get recirculated over and over and over. Based on the rise in factual inaccuracies I’ve been seeing in recent months,…
What Email Marketers Should Be Upset About

There’s no shortage of things in email marketing to be irritated about. The lack of email coding standards, the inconsistent email rendering, the partial support for CSS-based interactivity, the partial support of AMP for email, inconsistent implementations of dark mode, how expensive BIMI VMCs are,… Marketers have also been perpetually frustrated by…
Email Marketing Trends for 2024: Proven Essentials

Email marketing is constantly evolving, so it can be difficult to know where to invest your time and energy from year to year. Just a few of the recent changes and challenges that email marketers have had to deal with include: Economic uncertainty caused by high interest rates New deliverability requirements from…
Email’s Not Dead Podcast: The Latest Changes to Email Marketing

Email marketing is constantly changing, which was the driving force behind me writing a 4th Edition of “Email Marketing Rules.” I join Email’s Not Dead podcast hosts Jonathan Torres and Eric Trinidad to talk about the latest edition of my book and the major changes that have happened just since its release…
Black Friday Week: 3 Key Email Marketing Insights

The time period from the start of the week of Black Friday through Cyber Monday is the critical beating heart of the holiday season for business-to-consumer brands. Here are three key takeaways for retail and ecommerce marketers: Seize the opportunity to get in front of eager buyers Expand your email audience…carefully Maximize…
4 Stakeholders Every Email Marketing Program Has & What They Want

Email marketing is as powerful as it is complicated—and that complexity is slowly growing over time. The reason it’s so complex boils down to one simple fact: Email marketing has multiple stakeholders, each with their own agenda and priorities. Email marketers have the challenging job of satisfying all of those stakeholders and…