20 Predictions from 20 Experts about Email Marketing in 2020

How will email marketing change by the end of the decade?” That’s the question we posed to 20 experts for our Email Marketing in 2020 report. Their answers predict dramatic changes in personalization, automation, interactivity, compliance, and much more. In this SlideShare, we’ve selected our favorite prediction from each of our 20…

The Future of Email Marketing Design & Development

The rise of mobile has had a profound effect on email design over the past 5 years, but what will be the drivers of change over the next 5 years? We asked 6 of our speakers from The Email Design Conference how they saw email marketing design and development changing in the…

My Predictions for What Email Marketing Will Look Like in the Year 2020

In honor of Leap Day, Litmus asked 20 email experts what their vision was for the channel in the year 2020, which is when the next Leap Day will be. Their Email Marketing in 2020 predictions covered everything from inbox functionality to email service provider functionality, and from legislation to personalization. Of…

Email Marketing in 2020 Report

Email marketing is not for the faint of heart. The channel is constantly evolving—whether mobile devices and wearables are redefining email design, inbox providers are redefining engagement and deliverability, or ESPs are redefining personalization and targeting. All this change means that marketers are always reacting, learning, and planning for the future as…

Mobile Holiday Shopping Surge Benefited Mobile-Friendly Retailers

By all accounts, this was the most mobile holiday season yet, with the most important development being that mobile conversion rates and sales increased significantly. For example, 53% of all online shopping visits came from shoppers on mobile devices from Nov. 26 (Thanksgiving) through Sunday, Nov. 29, according to data from the…

2 New Reasons Email Attribution Will Get Even Messier

Email has long had a reputation as a highly trackable channel. Marketers love it because you can see a subscriber open an email, click on links in the body content, visit their website, and convert. The problem is that for many brands, this linear A-to-B-to-C-to-D email interaction is increasingly rare—and already rare…

Why the Rebirth of Email Marketing Is Coming in 2016

Email marketing was ignored, under-resourced, and declared uncool and dead during the rise of social media. Now that leased media is morphing into paid media and paid media is morphing into blocked media, brands are returning to permission-based email marketing to find that it has new synergies, powerful new capabilities, broader integration,…

7 Email Marketing Predictions for 2016

’Tis the season for predictions, so let’s get to it. Here are 7 email marketing predictions for 2016 that I shared in my latest Marketing Land column: There will be many more positive media stories about email marketing than negative in 2016. Another major email service provider (ESP) will be acquired in…

10 Email Marketing Top 10 Lists for 2015

Over the past two weeks, the team here at Litmus has been boiling down the events of 2015 into 10 top 10 lists. Each covers a different aspect of email marketing. Check them all out here: Top 10 Email Design + Marketing Litmus Blog Posts of 2015 The most popular Litmus blog…

The Future of Email Coding Standards Is Stratified

Will we ever have email coding standards? This is a tricky question and my views on the matter have definitely evolved over the years along with the evolution of the email client and device landscape. Let me start by saying I now think there will never be a single email coding standard….