Content Planning: Advice from Oracle’s Global Digital Marketing Agency

Content Planning: Advice from Oracle’s Global Digital Marketing Agency

If it’s not in the plan, then it typically doesn’t happen. And if it does happen, then corners have been cut and sacrifices made. That’s a harsh reality, especially with today’s lean digital marketing teams. That’s why, when working with our Oracle Marketing Consulting clients, we take an expansive view of content…

Don’t Write Off AMP for Email Yet

Don’t Write Off AMP for Email Yet, Marketers

When it was officially launched in 2019 by Google, AMP for Email promised to bring standards-based interactivity and real-time content to inboxes, allowing brands to bring landing page and app-like functionality into their emails. Allowing product carousels, live forms, and checkout functionality, the potential payoffs for marketers and consumers were huge. However,…

When and How to Use Plain Text Email

When and How to Use Plain Text Email in Marketing

Creating effective, great-looking HTML emails can be tricky, given today’s rendering challenges and many considerations like dark mode and accessibility. So, it’s understandable that many marketers long to return to the days of plain text emails as a simpler alternative. There’s a nostalgia around these emails, as they take us back to…

The Definitive Guide to Adapting to Mail Privacy Protection

The Definitive Guide to Adapting to Mail Privacy Protection

Prior to the launch of Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) by Apple in the fall of 2021, marketers could easily see the engagement of their subscribers and reliably manage their email deliverability by following best practices established over the course of more than a decade. However, MPP has blurred marketers’ visibility into engagement…

Inboxing Podcast: Special Guest Chad White

Inboxing Podcast with Special Guest Chad White

I join host Hillel Berg for the second season of the Inboxing Podcast. During the hour-long conversation, we talk about: Mobile-friendliness Inclusive design and email accessibility Email marketing’s unique advantages The need to continue desiloing the email marketing channel List building Why I wrote “Email Marketing Rules” My top 5 email marketing…

The Biggest Shifts in Email Marketing Trends for 2022

The Biggest Shifts in Email Marketing Trends for 2022

The turbulence of the past two years has heavily influenced recent email marketing priorities and is shaping the trends that will dominate 2022. We can see those shifts in the results of our third-annual Email Marketing Trends Survey, where we surveyed Oracle Marketing Consulting’s more than 500 digital marketing experts about the…

Email Marketing Trends for 2022: Proven Essentials

Email Marketing Trends for 2022- Proven Essentials

Email marketing is constantly evolving, so it can be difficult to know where to invest your time and energy from year to year. It’s extra challenging in turbulent times like these, when consumer behaviors and business goals are shifting rapidly. To help you prioritize your email marketing efforts this year, we surveyed…

Email Marketing Trends for 2022: Competitive Differentiators

Email Marketing Trends for 2022- Competitive Differentiators

Email marketing is constantly evolving, so it can be difficult to know where to invest your time and energy from year to year. It’s extra challenging in turbulent times like these, when consumer behaviors and business goals are shifting rapidly. To help you prioritize your email marketing efforts this year, we surveyed…

Email Marketing Trends for 2022: Unproven Opportunities

Email Marketing Trends for 2022- Unproven Opportunities

Email marketing is constantly evolving, so it can be difficult to know where to invest your time and energy from year to year. It’s extra challenging in turbulent times like these, when consumer behaviors and business goals are shifting rapidly. To help you prioritize your email marketing efforts this year, we surveyed…

e-shot: Email Engagement Is on the Up, and 7 More Trends for 2022

Email engagement is on the up – 7 more trends for 2022

The pandemic has put an increased focus on email marketing as a way for consumers to stay in touch with their favorite brands. Engagement is up, but e-shot wonders what marketers should focus on in 2022 to keep growing their email marketing programs growing. Along with Kath Pay, Jordie van Rijn, Dela…