Report: 2017 State of Email Creative

Email creative is unlike web or print design. It has its own unique constraints and opportunities that marketers must master to make the most of the channel. The rendering of your design is affected by the email client and screen size used to view it, whether images are disabled, and more. And…
Report: 2016 State of Email Design
Designing an email isn’t like designing a webpage or print piece. There are both limitations and opportunities around what you can do with email design, and it’s up to email designers and coders to master both of those. In the inaugural State of Email Design report, which is based on the responses…
Infographic: 2016 Mobile-Friendly Email & Landing Page Trends
Consumer adoption of mobile devices and the accompanying shift in online behavior has consistently outpaced brands’ ability to deliver mobile-friendly behavior. But major progress has been made over the past year, according to joint research by Litmus and the Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Our research found that mobile-friendly websites have become almost universal…
Mobile Holiday Shopping Surge Benefited Mobile-Friendly Retailers
By all accounts, this was the most mobile holiday season yet, with the most important development being that mobile conversion rates and sales increased significantly. For example, 53% of all online shopping visits came from shoppers on mobile devices from Nov. 26 (Thanksgiving) through Sunday, Nov. 29, according to data from the…
The 5 Levels of Mobile-Friendly Email Design
Sometimes being mobile-friendly can seem black and white. You’re either using responsive design or you’re not. But there are actually gradations of mobile-friendliness, especially in emails. In my latest Marketing Land column, I discuss the 5 levels of mobile-friendly email design: 5. Responsive email design: Email content and layout adjust to user’s…
Infographic: 2015 Mobile-Friendly Email & Landing Page Trends
We’ve been beating the drum on the need to be more mobile-friendly for years as email reading has shifted from desktop and webmail to mobile devices. According to data from Litmus Email Analytics, mobile email reading has plateaued at around 50%. However, new joint research from Litmus and Salesforce shows that marketers…
Smoothing Out the Mobile Email Journey
Because of the slow and uneven adoption of mobile-friendly email and website designs, subscribers are encountering significant challenges as they make the journey from receiving an email to interacting with content on email landing pages. There are currently many instances when subscribers go from a mobile-friendly environment to a mobile-unfriendly one, and…
Getting Subscribers One Click Closer to Checkout
The more you ask of consumers the less likely they are to give you what you want. That’s why email signup forms perform best when they are short. That’s why bloated checkout processes don’t work well (and why Amazon patented the 1-click checkout). And it’s also why you should keep the number…
Infographic: Mobile-Friendly Disconnects
When it comes to making their emails more mobile-friendly, marketers have been making considerable progress. I’ve been tracking nearly 160 B2C brands and the percentage of them sending mobile-friendly emails rose to 41% as of early June, up from just 22% in October of last year. However, faster progress is needed—and I’ve…
Mobile-Friendly Landing Pages Must Still Be Email-Friendly
While creating mobile-friendly landing pages, it’s important not to forget to maintain a smooth handoff from email to landing page. That email click should take you to a webpage where you immediately find what you’re expecting. Here is a telling example of how mobile can cause this kind of landing page disconnect……