Digital Marketing Tests to Run in the Runup to the Holiday Season

The back-to-school season, Labor Day, and Halloween represent great opportunities to better align with your ever-changing customers before heading into the all-important holiday season, when digital marketing misalignments are most costly. Is your branding strong? Are your offers clear and focused on what’s in it for your audience? Are we making it…
Making Seasonal Adjustments to Automated Campaigns to Boost Results

Automated campaigns—whether sent via email, SMS, or mobile push—perform so well that they’re often overlooked as not needing attention. However, it’s because of their high engagement and conversion rates that we should be constantly giving automated campaigns extra attention and trying to make them even better. This is especially true during the…
Navigating the Post-Holiday Season: Gift Returns, Customer Debt, & Gift Cards

The holiday season doesn’t end on Christmas Day—or even at the end of December. The ripple effects of the holidays can be felt well into the New Year. Some of those effects are negative, such as gift returns and holiday-accumulated consumer debt. And some of them are positive, such as increased gift…
How to Fill Your Digital Marketing Content Calendar in 8 Steps

A blank content calendar can be daunting. Here’s the 8-step approach that Oracle Marketing Consulting’s Creative Services team uses to build out content plans with our clients. Let’s start with major events that typically involve campaigns that last weeks or even months. These are our tentpole campaigns around which we build our…
First Quarter 2023 Holiday Marketing Quarterly

The holiday season doesn’t have an off-season. Having a successful holiday season means executing a successful four-quarter strategy. Oracle Marketing Consulting’s Holiday Marketing Quarterly gives you a quarter-by-quarter plan for how to achieve more during the critical holiday season with your digital marketing efforts. The first quarter is focused on seizing opportunities,…
Fourth Quarter 2022 Holiday Marketing Quarterly

The holiday season doesn’t have an off-season. Having a successful holiday season means executing a successful four-quarter strategy. Oracle Consulting’s Holiday Marketing Quarterly gives you a quarter-by-quarter plan for how to achieve more during the critical holiday season. The fourth quarter is focused on wrapping up your final prep and then taking…
12 Trends a-Trending: What to Plan for This Holiday Season

This year’s holiday season is shaping up to be as dynamic and turbulent as the past few have been. But knowing what to expect and proper planning can help make the best of another tough holiday season. Here are our predictions for 12 trends to account for in your holiday campaign planning…
Best Days to Send Email Marketing Campaigns This Holiday Season

This good news for this holiday season is that pandemic concerns are easing, which should see many more consumers return to stores for their gift-buying needs. The bad news is that the worst inflation in more than a generation has lots of shoppers in a recession state of mind. That is just…