Seasonality Archives - Page 9 of 11 - Email Marketing Rules

Holiday Predictions: This Year’s Email Marketing Twists

In my latest Email Insider column for MediaPost, I share my thoughts on how the upcoming email marketing holiday season will be different from last year’s, including that… Adoption of mobile-friendly email designs will hit 70% Free gift card with purchase will join free shipping as a hot promotion Black Friday deals…

September Review & October Preview for the 2014 Email Marketing Holiday Calendar

Every month through January, we’ll be reviewing our predictions from the 2014 Email Marketing Holiday Calendar for the previous month and discussing what to expect this month in terms of holiday messaging trends. For September, we predicted that major retailers would send their active subscribers 18 promotional emails. That prediction was very…

Fall Edition of the Email Marketer’s Holiday Planning Checklist

Hopefully you spent your summer doing some big picture strategic planning for the holiday season. Now that we’re into October, it’s time to get more serious and more focused to the execution of holiday campaigns. In the second of my 3-part Holiday Planning Checklist for Internet Retailer Magazine, I advise retailers to:…

August Review & September Preview for the 2014 Email Marketing Holiday Calendar

Every month through January, we’ll be reviewing our predictions from the 2014 Email Marketing Holiday Calendar for last month and discussing what to expect this month in terms of holiday messaging trends. In August, we predicted that major retailers would send their active subscribers 18 promotional emails—and we were once again right…

Q&A with Internet Retailer: My New Book, the Holiday Season, Mobile, and More

Following the release of the 2nd Edition of Email Marketing Rules this week, I spoke with Internet Retailer Editor in Chief Don Davis about what’s changed since the 1st Edition was published and how email marketing will be different this holiday season and in the more distant future. Here are the questions…

Summer Edition of the Email Marketer’s Holiday Planning Checklist

Holiday planning for retailers is almost a year-round endeavor, but it starts getting serious during the summer months. To help retailers plan their email marketing campaigns, I’m writing a series of holiday planning checklists for Internet Retailer Magazine, the first of which is live now. In it, I advise retailers to: Adopt…

July Review & August Preview for the 2014 Email Marketing Holiday Calendar

Every month through January, we’ll be reviewing our predictions from the 2014 Email Marketing Holiday Calendar for last month and discussing what to expect this month in terms of holiday messaging trends. In July, we predicted that major retailers would send their active subscribers 18 promotional emails during July—and we were right…

2014 Email Marketing Holiday Calendar

The slow buildup of the holiday season has already begun and many marketers are busy blueprinting their plans for the critical months of November and December. We want to help! Our 2014 Email Marketing Holiday Calendar contains a sleigh-full of information to help you plan, stay on trend, and ensure you’re sending…

Jan. 2014 B2C Email Volume Falls Post-Holidays: Retailers Sent 18.0 per Subscriber, Non-Retailers 7.3

During January, retailers sent each of their subscribers 18.0 promotional emails on average, down 30% from December. Non-retailers sent each of their subscribers 7.3 promotional emails on average, down 18% from the previous month. This data is based on the anonymous tracking for more than 150 B2C brands, including retailers, restaurants, manufacturers,…

Broadening the Appeal of Mother’s Day, Graduation and Father’s Day Promotions

Why pitch your subscribers on buying one gift when you could be convincing them to buy two? A number of retailers have applied this thinking to their Mother’s Day, graduation and Father’s Day messaging in recent years. In order to increase average order sizes and get sales where they wouldn’t have otherwise…