100 Inspiring Subject Lines: 5 Examples of Using Special Characters
Support for special characters is good enough that they’ve become common in subject lines over the past 24 months or so, opening up many new creative opportunities. Our 100 Inspiring Subject Lines includes some great examples of ones that use special characters: Subject Line #69 Avaaz.org, 12/10/12 — They want to ██████…
Video: My Personal Favorites from 100 Inspiring Subject Lines
100 Inspiring Subject Lines has some fantastic examples of various subject line strategies, from newsjacking to puns, and personalization to special characters. However, for me there were four that really stood out as the best of the best. I share them in this short video: So those are the ones at the…
100 Inspiring Subject Lines: 4 Subject Line Personalization Examples
While first-name personalization of subject lines can still be effective when used prudently, it has become clear that subject line personalization has moved beyond first names. At this point, knowing a subscriber’s name is just not very impressive, and not a convincing indicator that the content of the email is personalized and…
100 Inspiring Subject Lines: 5 Newsjacking Examples
The practice of leveraging the popularity of a news story, event or cultural phenomena to promote yourself or your company, newsjacking is one of many ways to boost the relevance of your emails. Our 100 Inspiring Subject Lines includes some great examples of newsjacking in action: Subject Line #21 Bluefly, 10/23/08 —…
100 Inspiring Email Marketing Subject Lines
The most effective subject lines are straightforward and predispose openers to engage with the content of an email. However, creativity has its place. Whether you’re newsjacking, promoting a non-sales message or just conveying your brand’s attitude, creativity in less than half the length of a tweet can give your emails the edge—especially…
iOS 7 Calendar Quirk Affecting Some Subject Lines
Making sure marketing emails look and perform well on mobile devices has never been more important. And that’s a goal that can be challenging when there are often small, unannounced changes in email clients. I recently spoke with Bill Siwicki of Internet Retailer about a quirk in Apple’s new iOS 7 that…
The One-Two Punch of Subject Lines and Preheaders
While the growth of mobile email has more radically affected email design, it’s also affected subject lines by displaying fewer characters. As a consequence, subject lines have been steadily trending shorter over the past few years. While we used to recommend that subject lines be no longer than around 60 characters, now…