The Biggest Shifts in Email Marketing Trends for 2022

The turbulence of the past two years has heavily influenced recent email marketing priorities and is shaping the trends that will dominate 2022. We can see those shifts in the results of our third-annual Email Marketing Trends Survey, where we surveyed Oracle Marketing Consulting’s more than 500 digital marketing experts about the adoption and impact of 26 email marketing tactics and technologies.
For a detailed look at all 26 trends and how they rated, check out our posts on:
- Unproven Opportunities, which are low-impact trends with low adoption
- Competitive Differentiators, which are high-impact trends with low adoption
- Proven Essentials, which are high-impact trends with high adoption
However, in this post, let’s go beyond the quadrant placements and look at the highest impact trends overall, the biggest increases and decreases in adoption and impact, the largest gap between the impact of a trend and its adoption, and much more.
>> Read the entire post on Oracle’s Modern Marketing Blog
>> Watch the 56-minute on-demand webinar