UNSPAM Conference: Work & Industry Trends

I had the honor of presenting at Really Good Emails’ UNSPAM conference in March. It was special in part because the RGE team asked me to present the results of their annual industry survey. More than 1,500 email marketers completed the survey, which asked them about their time and experiences in the industry, how their companies do email marketing, and much more. The findings paint a picture of a growing and maturing industry, but one with plenty of growth pains and challenges.
To help illustrate some of those challenges, as well as the opportunities, I wove in the findings of a survey we did of Oracle CX Marketing Consulting’s more than 500 digital marketing experts. In that survey, we asked our consultants to rate 26 email marketing tactics and technologies in terms of current adoption and the impact they expected it to have during 2020.
My presentation is now available for non-attendees to watch, which I highly recommend. You’ll learn a lot about how your company’s email operations compare to others in the industry, how your email experience compares to your peers, and the challenges faced by marketers across the industry—just to name a few of the topics covered in this 42-minute presentation.
If you don’t have time to watch the presentation, Really Good Emails provides a thorough transcription of the presentation, too.