When Good Enough Shouldn’t Be: The Best Email Frequency

How often should I email my subscribers? Oracle CX Marketing Consulting’s Head of Strategic Services, Clint Kaiser, says that without a doubt that’s one of the top 5 most frequently asked questions my clients have asked him over the years.
First, it’s important to start with the customer, he says. This rocks some worlds but…the customer may not want as many emails as you are sending. That can be tough for many brands to accept because cutting back email volume is associated with cutting back revenue. Some see the “send button” as the “revenue button.” While it’s true that every time you push send, conversions and revenue spike, there are many long-term negative implications of over-mailing, including high list churn, poor deliverability, and brand damage.
But you can avoid those negative consequences while not forsaking your short-term revenue goals by being thoughtful about figuring out which subscribers should get each of your non-triggered promotional emails. The frequency of promotional emails across the industry continues to grow, so the risks are growing, too. Ironically, volumes are growing in part because of the ongoing effectiveness of email.
So what are the best ways to smartly, even surgically, select who should get those emails that are sometimes sent multiple times in a day? In this blog post—just as he did in his previous posts on the best time to send emails, optimizing automated emails, and fixing email performance problems—Clint looks at the Good, Better, and Best approaches to email frequency…